• Pediatric Physical Therapy

    Making Motor Milestones from Birth to Walking

  • Slow & Steady!

    Motor development is a marathon, not a sprint.
    It’s easy to get caught up in the milestone race, but building a strong and steady foundation is key for long-term success.

  • Babies aren’t lazy.

    When kids CAN, they DO!

  • Don’t “wait and see”!

    Early intervention is the key to prevention!
    Why wait until there is a significant delay or concern?

  • It’s a kid's job to play!

    We get them started with “Purposeful Play”.

  • Trust your parental instincts!

    We’re here to listen to your concerns
    and will provide clarity and support when you need it.

  • Spot a flat spot? Tight neck?

    It’s never too early to address your child’s head and posture. Asymmetries can lead to future motor delays and postural imbalances

The Tortoise & The Hare

The Steady Strides logo features a sweet little Tortoise and Hare, symbolizing our belief that slow and steady motor development leads to lasting success.

In the classic fable, the speedy hare boasts about his quickness and challenges the slow-moving tortoise to a race. Confident in his abilities, the hare races ahead but takes a nap, assuming victory is guaranteed. Meanwhile, the tortoise moves forward steadily and persistently, never stopping. When the hare wakes, he sees the tortoise nearing the finish line—too late to catch up.

The tortoise wins the race, proving that consistency, patience, and perseverance lead to true progress. At Steady Strides, we embrace this same philosophy—every child moves at their own pace, and steady, well-supported development builds strong, confident movers for life.

Slow and Steady wins!

An illustration of a sleeping rabbit.
An illustration of a turtle carrying a rose in its mouth.
A toddler laying in a bed with white sheets.

Our Treatment Approach

Motor development can sometimes feel like a race—especially when comparing your child to others, whether it’s a niece, a neighbor’s baby, or the little ones you see on social media. These comparisons can be confusing and discouraging, making you wonder if something is wrong with your child or if, as a parent, you’ve missed something.

At Steady Strides, we’re here to listen, support, and validate your concerns. You know your child best, and we encourage you to trust your instincts. While developmental checklists can help identify delays, they don’t always explain why they happen or what to do next. That’s where we come in. Through our personalized evaluation process, we uncover the underlying factors contributing to your child’s motor delays and create a plan to help them move forward—literally!

Movement is more than just muscle strength; it requires a balance of strength, tone, posture, and motor planning. If any of these areas are imbalanced, movement can become challenging. Our goal is to use our expertise in motor development to nurture strong, confident, and independent movers—at their pace, in their way.

We treat ALL kids. We work with babies and toddlers who have delayed milestones with sitting, rolling and crawling. We also work with children who have conditions that affect their motor abilities resulting in a unique developmental pathway. No matter where your child is on the developmental spectrum, Steady Strides is here to help your child achieve their highest potential!

A baby playing with a pink ball.
A toddler laying on a red bench.


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